The Division 1 6 Legendary Difficulty Have 1 3 Npc Which Make the Game Broken Again
The Division's Last Stand up and Update ane.half-dozen Details

Since the game released concluding year, non much attention has been given to the game's PvP expanse, the Dark Zone. Some of the changes affected gameplay within the Nighttime Zone, such as changes to fourth dimension to kill enemies and agents, enemy armour damage, the overall changes to skills and harm per second. The ability to cut the rope when other agents were trying to excerpt contaminated items was added with Update 1.two, along with a few other changes as well. Now, the Dark Zone is a big focus in the upcoming update and if you savour the PvP side of the game, the intense PvP battles are well-nigh to become even more fun.
New Dark Zone Areas
If you've had the chance to venture and look around in the northernmost parts of Dark Zone six, you may accept noticed that there are hefty looking gates that block off whatsoever access to the north. The gates will soon be open as Nighttime Zones seven, eight, and nine volition exist added to the game in the next patch. The Dark Zone can be a very crude identify to explore, but co-ordinate the Massive, the state of affairs in the newly added areas is even worse! Details on exactly why are however to be revealed but at that place'll be plenty of space to go up to no good as the new areas volition "almost double the playable size of the current Dark Zone" when taking vertical spaces into consideration too.The new Dark Zone areas will withal follow the same format every bit 1-6. The areas will exist filled with roaming NPCs and Landmarks to try and accept down. The further due north you lot become, the tougher the areas will get. Of course, the higher the take chances, the better the rewards. As y'all'll run across in the following screen, Night Zone vii will be northward of Night Zone six while viii and nine volition spread out to the due east of seven.

The Landmarks found in the new areas will operate a touch differently from the older ones. Rather than just killing the enemies and leaving the landmark clear for a set amount of time, more enemies may spawn direct later on the initial enemies accept gone down. Nonetheless, clearing the Landmarks will accolade you with loot that will go straight to your inventory meaning that you won't need to face up the sometimes troublesome task of trying to extract it.
Despite increasing the Dark Zone's size, the amount of players present in each Nighttime Zone won't change. This will allow for players to be spread out more than and hopefully give peaceful Nighttime Zone explorers a chance to enjoy the PvE side of the Dark Zone more than. Massive volition also be adding the option to fast travel between Dark Zone checkpoints due to the size increase.
Contamination Events
Previously, Massive added a special event to the Dark Zone in the form of Supply Drops that were dropped in random locations. Guarded by the toughest variations of the game's different enemy factions, players could endeavour to articulate the Supply Drop expanse and grab the appurtenances from the crate. More events will be coming to the Dark Zone in the form of "Contamination Events". Massive has only detailed one event so far:
Contaminated trunk bags have been piled up in parts of the subways below the Dark Zone, increasing the strength of the virus in those areas. The Cleaners have started sweeping these locations, burning everything in their path – including civilians who happen to get in their way.
Roughly every hour, elite Cleaners will appear in surreptitious locations in the Dark Zone and information technology'southward your job to stop them. A discussion of warning though – the contagion has reached unprecedented lethal levels in these places, so your virus filter volition non be plenty to resist it. Act quickly and learn how to manage your wellness while venturing into the contaminated underground.
Night Zone Leaderboards
Another feature coming to the world of PvP is Nighttime Zone leaderboards. These will give competitive players a chance to compare their stats with others across different activities on a weekly and monthly basis. Tracking both PvP and PvE activities, the PvP section will include Rogues killed, Manhunts successfully survived and Extractions hijacked. For the PvE side, players will be able to continue rails of the number of NPC enemies killed, locked Dark Zone chests looted and the number of items extracted.Each of the tracked activities will be turned into a total score, this is so divided into three notwithstanding-to-detailed tiers. The better your score is compared to other Dark Zone players the better the rewards will be once the leaderboards reset.
Legendary Difficulty
If you consider yourself a hardcore player of The Sectionalization, then the game'due south upcoming Legendary difficulty mode may shake up your confidence a scrap. The new difficulty will be added to three missions - Times Square, WarrenGate Power Found and Napalm Production Site. This difficulty promises to exist fifty-fifty more hard than attempting Incursions on Heroic difficulty.Don't think that information technology's just going to be a larger number of the same enemies you would normally fight in these missions anyhow as all of the previous content with each mission will be completely replaced with the Last Human being Battalion enemies. These LMB soldiers will be "new, powerful and much smarter" than the ordinary type and will exist going all out with advanced tactics against you and your squad. The enemies volition react accordingly to what skills yous are using and if y'all're currently under a status issue, they will also stick behind cover much more than, forcing you lot and your team to try and move get-go, but at the same time, they will besides try to constantly flank y'all as well. If you've squared off against the Hunter during "Survival" sessions, you'll have a pretty good idea of what's to come.
Massive goes on to detail the different range of enemies within Legendary difficulty missions:
There's a broad range of different enemy types, practically covering most of the enemy archetypes in the game, which will keep y'all on the edge of your seat all the way through the missions. There's also Named enemies thrown into the mix, complete with their own set of behaviors, roles and skills. While Legendary difficulty does scale to the corporeality of players nowadays, scaling enemy damage and health like to Challenge mode, and could theoretically be soloed, information technology'south very much intended for organized group play with dedicated roles.
The enemies volition exist a mix of normal, veteran and aristocracy enemies. The claiming of the new difficulty will come from learning new tactics and strategies as well as dealing with the actions of the oppositions tactics.Legendary difficulty will reward players with vanity items that are exclusive to this difficulty. The missions will also requite out plenty of the regular rewards and Massive promises to expand this difficulty to the other missions at some indicate in the futurity likewise.
Exotic Items, Weapon Sets and a New Gear Ready
In terms of gear, weapons, and mods, the game currently has Worn, Standard, Specialized, Superior, Loftier-End, and Gear Set types. Named items will soon have their very own type - Exotic. Part of this addition will exist corrective every bit named items will come with their ain colour coding to make them stand out much improve in the players inventory and likewise when they drop from enemies. Currently, named items are just classed as High-Cease simply come with their name in gold text and and then with whatsoever special characteristic/ability that makes them different from regular items. Once the update releases, each of these items will come with "flavour and lore text on their particular descriptions".In the futurity, each Exotic weapon will come with its ain unique talent if it didn't have one already. Hither are a couple of examples:
The Hungry Hog, for example, will now come with the Glutton talent ("Killing a target increases your damage dealt past 20% until y'all end firing") while the Tenebrae will have Lights Out ("Destroying an enemy weak bespeak resets skill cooldowns for you and nearby group members"). This should requite the Exotic weapons their ain private personality and hopefully they will all be a lot of fun to utilize.
Be aware that whatsoever unique Exotic weapon talent volition not work with the four-slice Alphabridge bonus.Exotic weapon sets will also exist introduced where 2 specific Exotic weapons must be equipped to unlock their talent. The Valkyria for case is beingness split into ii separate weapons - the Hildr and the Eir. The talents volition get active and synergize together once both weapons take been equipped.
To go along the weapons counterbalanced, the stats on the some of the Exotic weapons will be changed. The changes will exist retroactive to prevent anyone being potentially over-powered with legacy weapons still in the game. Lastly, one of the ways to get hold of an Exotic item will be through Exotic Caches available as a weekly reward from the Legendary difficulty missions.

Changes to Gear Sets
There are merely a few changes to mention for Gear Sets with the upcoming update then far. The Alphabridge gear set tin be extremely powerful when prepare the right way and has go very popular since the release of Update 1.5. The four-piece bonus enabled the sharing off all weapon talents between the primary and secondary weapons so long as they were of the same type (Assault Rifle, SMG, etc). Once the update hits, the bonus will only allow for the gratis talent to exist shared (minus Exotic weapon talents). Massive states that they volition proceed an eye on this during the upcoming Public Examination Server session on PC.The Frontline Gear Set, introduced with the current Update, will accept it's iv-slice bonus adapted. Rather than removing the critical hit adventure bonus, the bonus will instead remove the furnishings of any mod you are currently using on the Ballistic Shield. Critical striking risk will exist applicative again, but you lot won't be able to apply the Shield mods such equally Reactive Targeting, Assault Shield, and Kinetic Breaker.
Although the Reclaimer set up was great for a player in a supportive part, Massive wants to focus the set's skills more towards the Support Station. The four-piece bonus will activate all three mods for the Support Station (Life Support, Immunizer, and Ammo Cache) at the same time. The two and iii-piece bonuses volition also be focused more towards the Back up Station skill and will aim to increase the Station'due south range and duration. The upshot the set currently has on consumables will be no more than. Too, the Tactician'south Authorization set will have a pocket-size change; the vitrify received from successfully landing shots volition disappear after using a skill instead of running out after ten seconds of existence at max bonus.
Lastly, a new Gear Set has been introduced called "SEEKR". This set volition focus on torso shots and its four-piece bonus will give the player a guaranteed critical hit later on landing two consecutive shots to the torso. The 2 shots tin can be spread out across different targets. Details on the two and three-piece bonuses are withal to be revealed.
Massive are nevertheless having issues with Armour in the game. Currently, information technology'south the best bonus yous tin can roll for your gear and pretty much renders whatever other rollable bonuses every bit nigh useless. With Armour still being the best bonus, this allows for players to deal great impairment and even so be a tough target to take down also. Massive and "the customs" are all the same not happy with this then the evolution team took to the drawing lath to try and figure out what to do. Here's what they've come upward with:
In Update 1.6, gear items will come with their base armor as usual, simply Armor will be removed every bit a major bonus and replaced with Health. Information technology means that raw wellness and stamina will be the main source of toughness, instead of armor mitigation. This change is a major one, as it volition also take an bear on on healing, skills, Skill Power, impairment and the overall meta. Wellness also scales more linearly than armor, which makes it easier for us to residual in the long run. There are notwithstanding talents that will give you bonus armor, but since you won't have equally much armor they won't accept as much of an impact as before.

Armour and Resistances
A lot of the wellness of players even so currently comes from armour mitigation and this makes investing in Skill Power slightly pointless. Even with tons of wellness and not so much Skill Power, the First Help skill can all the same pretty much fill up up all of your wellness bar. With armour not being as constructive as it is at present, this will mean that if players desire to exist able to heal equally effectively, they volition actually need to invest more into their Skill Ability.With the skills as a whole, whether it be for dealing damage or healing, Massive wants players to feel rewarded to a degree for investing in Skill Power and hopes that players can create more diverse builds and be able to play in dissimilar styles.
Massive has also detailed what will be done to prevent double health rolls and info on condition effects:
To foreclose double bonus Wellness rolls on legacy pieces of gear, all current Health rolls volition be turned into the new stat Resist All. Currently resistance bonuses mean you accept a percentage chance to completely resist the effect of the given condition effect. That'south changed in Now resistances are counterpart instead of binary, which ways that they lower the effect of the condition effect past its percentage instead of just cancelling it out – forty% fire resist ways 40% less burn down damage and duration, for example. If y'all do manage to build upwards a 100% resist to a specific status effect, information technology volition no longer accept an event on you and anyone trying to apply it to you will see a "Resisted" message in the scrolling combat text. Nosotros're also calculation diminishing returns to status effects. Whenever a condition effect is applied to you lot, y'all build up a certain amount of temporary resistance to it for a short while.
1 thing the upcoming Update will be without is another World Tier. This means the changes made on gear volition be retroactive and volition affect current gear to avoid legacy gear. Those who've buffed their pieces with plenty of armour will log in to a ton of bonus health instead once Update 1.half dozen kicks in.To keep the "Fourth dimension to Kill and Time to be Killed" balanced, something that was a major focus in Update 1.4, many more parts of the game will be rebalanced including NPC damage, major and pocket-sized harm bonuses on gear, and more.
Changes to Skill Power And Skill
Between the three primary stats in the game - Firearms, Stamina, and Electronics, specializing in Electronics isn't actually the way to become currently. To try and add together more variety in builds for the game, Skill Ability will be moving to a arrangement similar to armour.The effectiveness of Skill Power will depend on which Globe Tier y'all are in. Once you motility up a Tier, where yous'll face tougher enemies, y'all'll need more electronics to make your skills as effective as they were previously. Currently, the higher your gear score goes the higher your Skill ability would potentially go besides every bit virtually items will give you much amend Skill power anyway without the bodily need to invest in electronics. The calibration of Skill Ability will also exist dissimilar with a much more noticeable deviation between the lower and college builds. Diminishing returns will however be in play, but they won't really take issue until you can manage to hitting around "450k Skill Power".
If y'all've not actually given your Skill Ability much thought before now, you will encounter your skills become less constructive once the new updates hit. A balanced build won't suffer as much and those already scaled in Skill Ability will hopefully notice a drastic divergence.

Some of the skills themselves will besides be changed. The Viscid Bomb will now have a delayed detonation, a carmine expanse warning and also a beeping sound earlier it explodes. This is obviously to make the Bomb more manageable to defend yourself against every bit it has had its moments during the game's lifetime of beingness a nightmare for PvP players. The BFB modern will deal damage, the Flashbang mod won't do harm or exist able to cause the Disrupt status effect and the Proximity Fuse will be changed to EMP that can be effective against skills and skill proxies.
Beginning Aid's cooldown will be longer, forcing players to invest in Skill Ability and as well Skill Haste if they want to be able to heal quicker again. The Defibrillator mod will besides have a slight modify and heal in two steps instead; at that place will exist an initial burst and and so the heal will have effect over time.
The Daze Turret has also been tweaked with the the Turret no longer able to do harm on its ain.
Lastly, Signature Skills take been adjusted again. The amnesty, introduced in the current update, volition exist increased to threescore seconds after use. Thankfully, players will no longer exist able to activate the aforementioned skill if they are currently inside the immunity time frame. Skill Haste will touch on Signature Skills too as the regular skills. Tactical Link will be tweaked to give less weapon stability than information technology currently does then that those still using the Survivor Link take a amend run a risk at countering the Signature Skill. The impairment bonus of the Tactical Link will be lowered in PvP, but volition remain the same in PvE.
PvP Balancing
PvP balancing is very sensitive topic for the die-hard PvP players of The Division. Massive recently held another ETF workshop to discuss the upcoming update and the changes to PvP Balancing were "debated heavily" as you lot can probably imagine.Hip fire volition see its stability decreased when moving and a divide photographic camera setting will be added during this action that will crave more skill to utilize finer. The damage gap between body shots and headshots will be lowered although this may be adjusted dependent on feedback from the PTS. Thankfully, a one second delay will happen later on combat rolling before being able to whorl over again. Lastly, players wont be able to reload their weapon while sprinting.
One time Update 1.six goes alive, players volition be able to use a medkit even when at full wellness. This volition remove status furnishings such every bit burn down, bleed, and disorient that would result player input. The Rejuvenated gear talent, which gives players this verbal effect, will be adapted to give the player more resistance to status effects instead. Drain won't stop players from sprinting or moving from cover to encompass anymore, but will slow your player down all together instead.
During fights against other agents, the battle tin sometimes get on for quite sometime thanks to medkits and certain talents. Massive will likewise be addressing this in the update:
Medkits tin can besides prolong encounters between players much more than than intended. Considering of this, the Adrenaline talent will no longer provide an overheal, to distinguish medkits from the First Aid skill; instead it volition provide a heal over time. We're besides increasing the medkit cooldown to 15 seconds, upwards from 12 seconds, and you'll come across your enemy health bar flash whenever they employ one to arrive easier to place what is going on during a fight. We're also aware of multiple talents that together increases survivability too much, again helping to prolong encounters, and then nosotros'll exist balancing the effects of talents like On the Motility, Boxing Buddy and Critical Save.
Economy Changes
At the moment, a single talent on a weapon could only be recalibrated a certain number of times. In the upcoming update, the pick to recalibrate will unlimited. However, it will yet get more expensive after each recalibration, only the price itself will exist capped afterwards the fifth recalibration. Prices of recalibrations will be tweaked.Helping civilians in the open globe will ever reward you with Intel whereas at the minute it is currently a mix of unlike quality weapons, and on the rare occasion materials too. High Stop pistols in the "Survival" DLC won't toll any Division Tech and the Scavenger box in your Base of operations of Operations will calibration with your current Earth Tier.
Experience Points and Survival
Massive will be making changes to the different ways to earn experience from the different activities on offering:From now on, all activities – open world, Underground, Survival and Last Stand – will reward their own separate experience points, awarding their own caches every fourth dimension you fill up your experience bar after reaching max rank. This ways there will no longer be any overlap of feel points in Secret, which from at present on will only reward Underground XP and caches.
Also, in "Survival", solo players won't exist match-made into games with other players who are queuing equally a group. In solo PvP Survival, players will no longer be able to grouping up, and lastly, in both PvE and PVP "Survival", reviving a downed player whether they are in your group or not will ever price a medkit.Changes to the In-Game Store
To finish up, even the In-Game Shop will run into some changes too. A new currency volition exist available and more than items will on offer from the special vendor. Look out for new emotes, weapon skins and more than vanity items that players will be able to purchase with real money.
For more details on the In-Game Store, take a look at this Premium FAQ.
At that place are even more details on the Terminal Stand'due south new game modes, PvP and PvE experiences, and Nighttime Zone extensions which you can cheque out in The Division's Intelligence Addendum, correct hither.
Update i.6 and the "Terminal Stand" DLC for The Sectionalisation are yet to receive a release engagement.
Nosotros've got the full list of Tom Clancy's The Division achievements - cheque the listing for guides to unlocking them.
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